Associate Rector
The Rev. Amy Peterson
With gratitude and great joy, I joined Trinity as associate rector on July 13, 2022 and began working hand-in-hand with Scott in worship, teaching, pastoral care, and preaching. This year kicked off with a lot of planning: vestry retreat, program staff retreat, and executive council retreat, as well as a clergy staff retreat at the end of February.
"As for us, brothers and sisters, when, for a short time, we were made orphans by being separated from you—in person, not in heart—
we longed with eagerness to see you face to face.
1 Thessalonians 2:17

Deacon's Report
The Rev. Bob Zito
This is my third year at Trinity. I have been working prayerfully at discerning where God is calling me in ministry here. In prior parishes, my ministry has concerned education, pastoral care, and church growth, mainly with newcomers and seekers within the church.
[As a Deacon], you are to serve all people, particularly the poor, the weak, the
sick, and the lonely. [And], you are to interpret to the Church the needs, concerns, and hopes of the world.
— BCP, 543 (The Ordination of a Deacon)
Vestry Nominees ​
Class of 2026

I am deeply appreciative of the Vestry of Trinity Church,
which has worked so hard to ensure that our parish stayed connected and informed
during our isolation as well as to be able to re-open and worship and gather together safely.
Senior Warden, 2021
The Senior Warden's Report​ - Vestry
Katherine Ray
When I first joined the Vestry in 2021, we were still trying to figure out a new - pandemic and post-pandemic - normal. As my time on the Vestry draws to a close, I am truly in awe of the way our parish has pulled together and of the wonderful community we have here at Trinity. While other churches worry about dwindling attendance and financial woes, we remain a strong, vibrant place of worship, with a congregation that extends the boundaries of our church building thanks to our virtual presence and continued streaming of services.

While we still do not know what is yet to come,
I pray and am certain that, with God’s help,
Trinity Church will continue to be a beacon of His love and joy amid the darkness of the world.
Senior Warden, 2021
This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalms 118:24
Bible Study & Group Learning​
At Trinity, we are lifelong learners because we are lifelong disciples, called to love God with all our heart, with all our strength, and with all our mind — from the smallest of children to the most seasoned of adults. At Trinity, there is a place for you to learn and grow closer to Christ and your neighbor, no matter where you find yourself in life. Throughout the year, we explore the heart of the Christian faith, challenge ourselves to live more deeply into Christ's way of love, and engage critically with the real-world issues that confront modern life. We have formation classes every Sunday as well as special topical series or featured speakers at different times throughout the year.
And Jesus increased in wisdom and in years, and in divine and human favor.
Luke 2:52
Worship is at the very heart of our life together. In it we are drawn inward as God discovers us and we discover God. We are drawn together as we support one another on our journey. We are drawn into the world around us as we share the experience of the living Jesus we find here. We are fed by both word and sacrament to live our faith that we share.

In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lofty;
and the hem of his robe filled the temple. Seraphs were in attendance above him;
each had six wings: with two they covered their faces, and with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew.And one called to another and said:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts;
the whole earth is full of his glory.”
Isaiah 6:1-3
Outreach and Pastoral Care
The strength of a church is definitely not confined to Sunday worship. As much prayerful work goes on outside the nave as within it, through the time and energy offered by a host of volunteers. Much of this work is invisible, but crucial not only to the stability and smooth operation of the parish, but to the joy and comfort of the church community as a whole.