The strength of a church is definitely not confined to Sunday worship. As much prayerful work goes on outside the nave as within it, through the time and energy offered by a host of volunteers. Much of this work is invisible, but crucial not only to the stability and smooth operation of the parish, but to the joy and comfort of the church community as a whole.
For a printable list of service opportunities with Trinity Episcopal Church, click here.
Vestry Service - The Vestry is the leadership governing team in any Episcopal congregation. The word Vestry is an old English word that over time has come to signify a body of lay members elected by the congregation to lead the parish. The Vestry at Trinity is comprised of fifteen persons and is led by the Rector. Each year five persons are elected for a three-year term at Trinity’s Annual Meeting in the month of November. The Vestry oversees Trinity’s budget, buildings and grounds, as well as working with the Rector to set Trinity’s vision and mission. The team prays for each other, studies the scriptures, and administers the finances of the parish. Those interested in serving should contact Trinity’s Sr. Warden. The current members of the Vestry are listed on Trinity’s website.
Ministry Teams are comprised of members of the parish who come together to shepherd and lead ministries of the parish that are a vital part of our mission and ministry as a community of Christ. Each team has a convener who facilitates the group and a Vestry member who serves as a liaison with Trinity’s Vestry.
Adult Education Team — our team of clergy and lay persons who dream, vision and plan for adult formation opportunities at Trinity Church. The team meets four times a year and is responsible for our Sunday morning Adult formation opportunities, our Lenten program and more. The convener of this team is Scott White. You may reach Scott at the church office.
Buildings and Grounds Team — this team consists of a large number of members who work to care for the entire Trinity physical plant and our grounds. The team meets monthly and works to be on top of our our facility needs. They work to keep our grounds safe and in good repair at all times. Paul Dismukes convenes the team and Paul may be reached through the Trinity office.
Garden Guild — a group of nearly fifty persons have come together to care for the Trinity grounds. Persons choose a specific garden to care for. With a few guidelines and ground rules, members are free to care for their appointed space in a way that gives them joy and provides beauty to our community life. The Garden Guild is overseen by Marty Boone and Mary McGee.
Children’s Ministry Team — assists the Director of Children’s Ministries with overall visioning of ministries with and for nursery through 5th grade children at Trinity. The team also assists the director with envisioning the yearly children’s programing. The team is convened by staff member Beth Chestnut.
Contact Beth by email or phone
Congregational Development Team — The mission of the Congregational Development Ministry Team is to help grow disciples at Trinity Church by helping make Trinity known in our city and beyond. They seek to make the experience of a newcomer to Trinity the most welcoming and hospitable as it can be and to help newcomers become fully incorporated at Trinity that they might move beyond membership to participation, as God is calling them. The team convener is Carlyn Pheil.
Contact Carlyn by email or phone
finance teams
Budget Team — a team appointed by Trinity’s Vestry to help prepare a financial budget for Trinity’s upcoming fiscal year. The budget is presented to the Vestry for approval in December of each year. The team works closely with Trinity’s financial assistant, staff and Rector to project financial needs that meet the hopes and dreams of God for Trinity Church. Those interested in assisting should contact Trinity’s Senior Warden.
Contact Susan Haldane by email or phone
Stewardship Team — is a leadership team that seeks to teach Christian Stewardship and to lead our stewardship efforts for our Annual Giving Campaign. The team meets monthly throughout the year to ensure a smooth and effective process of education and implementation. The members of the team do not ask for money or donations directly; their role is to ensure a process of education and a process of implementing our Annual Campaign. The team is led by Trinity’s Rector and he may be contacted at the church office.
Investment Team — is a team that supervises, monitors and reviews the investment assets of Trinity Church. The team makes recommendations to the Vestry based on income needs of the church, the liquidity requirements and the investing time horizon. They meet quarterly to review statements, financial reports and performance of Trinity’s investments.
Contact Chad Hardy by email or phone
Planned Giving — is a team of members who work to ensure the congregation is educated in the process of making an estate plan for Trinity Church. The team seeks to inform the congregation of both the good of making an estate plan for the mission and ministry of Trinity and they seek to implement a process of recognition and thanksgiving for those who make it known that they have made plans in their estate for Trinity. The team is led by Michael Andry and he may be contacted at
Trinity Church has been a force for the Good News of Jesus in Asheville since its founding. A long history of deep involvement in our city is our history. Today Trinity understands our space as a critical ministry and mission site in the heart of Asheville. Our space exists not only as symbol of the Good News of God’s grace but also as a physical space of grace and love, We are intimately connected to our neighborhood and all organizations seeking to do good. We see our space as an integral part of all who seek peace and justice in our city. Our partner organizations (those who receive Trinity grants) are offered use of our space without donation for fundraising events, conference meetings, etc. We stand as a central meeting space for our Diocesan Life as well welcoming Episcopalians from across the Diocese for events promoting our common life.
Outreach Team — is a group of passionate lay persons leading the parish outside of our walls. The team has a mission to foster opportunities for outreach and mission among Trinitarians. The group is also responsible for disbursing over 10% of the congregation’s annual pledged income (a tithe) to organizations and groups in the community that seek to do justice and love mercy. A complete list of the ministries supported by Trinity can be found on Trinity’s website and the Outreach Team invites new members to join in their mission. Liz Trask is the convener of the Outreach team.
The Outreach Team leads many ministries. Signature ministries include:
​Red Bag Sunday — is an initiative of the Outreach team. Four times a year we hand out red reusable grocery bags at Sunday worship with a list of items to be purchased, placed inside and then returned to church the next Sunday or sometime during the week. We often net 5000 lbs of food each quarter of the year. We partner with local organizations to stock food pantries and other hunger ministries. Though the Outreach Team leads the ministry ,we welcome any individual to oversee the process.
The Church of the Advocate — is a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina. It is a worshiping community of the diocese composed of all persons, with a special focus toward being present for the homeless of Asheville. The community meets in the Undercroft of Trinity and each Sunday holds a service of the Holy Eucharist and serves a meal.
Community groups across the city and Episcopal Churches throughout the diocese also assist with serving meals. Trinity is intimately involved in the Church of the Advocate in a multiplicity of ways and your participation is welcome. The Church of the Advocate has use of Trinity’s space without reimbursement.
For information contactt Anita Rose,
AA Ministry — four different Alcoholics Anonymous groups meet at Trinity each week. There are at least two meetings a day, one in the early morning and one in the evening. Each year a member serves as our liaison to our AA groups to ensure the meetings happen with ease. Barbara Setzer currently serves as our liaison to the AA ministry.
Habitat for Humanity — Trinity Church has been a key part of Habitat for Humanity in Buncombe County since its inception. Originally building houses with the other churches on Church street, we now play a key role in a biennial build with all the Episcopal Churches in Buncombe county. Trinity’s liaison with Habitat is Mary Bruce Woody
Contact Mary Bruce by email
Trinity Place — a creation of Trinity Church in the 1970’s, Trinity Place is a shelter for runaway teens housed on Trinity’s property. There is room for 12 persons at Trinity Place and it is almost always full. Trinity place offers a place of safety for teens whose homes have become unsafe. The ministry is confidential and we participate with Trinity Place through offerings of food, Christmas Gifts, and other gifts for resident teens. Trinity Place is run by the non-profit, Caring for Children and has use of Trinity’s space without reimbursement.
Parish Life Team — the Parish Life Team seeks to lift up and promote fellowship among all members of the parish through events, meals, and receptions. Parish Life works to strengthen social and spiritual ties within the members of Trinity Church. Our goal is to foster bonds that hold Trinitarians together, regardless of differences in age, background, or depth of faith. The convener of the Parish Life Team is staff member Debbie Cox and she may be reached at the church office.
Pastoral Care Team — the Pastoral Care Team is comprised of the clergy of Trinity and lay members who meet each month to review all pastoral care concerns at Trinity and to continually assess how our overall pastoral ministries continue to be the most helpful in our mutual care. You are welcome to become a part of our Pastoral Care team as we seek to care for one another. The Rector leads the team and he may be contacted at the church office. A number of ministries are included in the Pastoral Care team. They are:
Lay Eucharistic Ministers — lay persons who take communion from the Sunday altar to those who are unable to attend because of health, maternity and other concerns. David Henson oversees the LEM ministry and he may be reached at the church office.
Trinity Meals — lay persons who prepare and/or deliver meals to members who are returning home from surgery, have a new child, care for a loved one long-term, moving into a new home and other concerns. Chris Dismukes oversees Trinity Meals.
Encouragement Ministry — a group of Trinitarians take time each month to write a note of encouragement to those who need an extra word and prayer of support. It is often for those who are sick or caring for those who are sick, yet also words of joy for those who have a new child at home or other life-moments of happiness. This ministry can be done from anywhere and even includes those who are homebound themselves. Jennine Hough leads the team.
Healing/Prayer Station — see description at “Ministers of The Service.”
Worship Team — seeks to coordinate worship at Trinity by including all stakeholders in our worship experiences. Leaders of our teams of ushers, acolytes, altar guild, flower guild, music ministry and more gather on a quarterly basis to review upcoming worship to coordinate all aspects. The team also considers larger questions concerning the overall effectiveness and impact of worship at Trinity. The team is led by the Rector. There are “at-large” members of the congregation on the team as well. Those interested in joining should contact the Rector at the church office.
Youth Ministries Team —The objective of the youth ministry team is support and advocacy for the youth ministry of Trinity Church. The role of the team is to support the youth coordinator in planning and implementing programs for youth ministry to the leadership of the parish and the greater congregation. The Youth Ministries Team is convened by staff member Debbie Cox and she may be reached at the Trinity Office.
music and worship ministries
Music Ministry — is led by our organist and choir director, Sharon Carleton Boone. Our music ministry is a means of exploring faith at all levels and your participation is welcome.
Note that the Bell Choir is the only music group meeting at this time do to the pandemic restrictions.
The Chancel Choir (adults) — is made up of adult volunteers and paid section leaders. The choir sings each Sunday and for many special services. Rehearsals are at 7:00 on Wednesdays.
The Jubilate Singers (3rd-8th grade) — The Jubilate Singers promotes excellence in church music and choral singing. This choir is for 3rd through 8th graders. It meets each Wednesday at 5:30. A meal is available at 5:00.
The Alleluia Choir (4-2nd grade) — is a training choir for ages 4 through 2nd grade. It teaches the basics of singing, note reading and counting. This choir meets on Wednesdays at 5:00, and includes a meal following rehearsal.
The Handbell Choir — is open to anyone of any age who has a basic knowledge of music. The choir meets on Mondays from 4:00 to 5:00 in the Tuton Hall.
The Funeral Choir — is for anyone who would like to sit in the choir loft to support congregational hymn singing at funeral/memorial services.
Acolytes — Those who assist in worship at our 8:00 and 10:45 service. They lead processions with crosses, candles, banners and flags and assist the clergy in preparing the table for Eucharist. Children from third grade through twelfth grade are welcome to participate and we also have a few adults who serve as well.
Contact Debbie Cox by email or phone
Altar Guild — A dedicated group of persons who serve to care for the altar of Trinity by preparing all elements for worship. The Altar Guild sets altar hangings, cares for vestments, polishes brass, prepares the Eucharistic vessels and so much more. Our Altar Guild chair is Jane Exner with Brad Wilson as co-chair.
Flower Guild — is a group of dedicated persons who design and arrange Trinity’s altar flower arrangement each Sunday. They also prepare altar flowers for funerals and for receptions that take place at Trinity. The group is led by Ken Wilson and all are welcome, even those who want to learn!
Intercessors — lay persons who assist in worship by reading the Prayers of the People at services. Intercessors assist at 8:00, 10:45 and 5:30. Intercessors are organized by the Associate Rector. Those interested should contact him at the church office.
Lectors — lay persons who assist in worship by reading the scripture lessons during the 8, 10:45 and 5:30 services. Please contact the Associate Rector.
Linen Guild — lay persons who assist in worship by preparing the linens used for our Eucharistic services. Nancy Whisenhunt leads the Linen Guild.
Chalice Bearer — lay persons who assist in worship at our 8:00, 10:45 and 5:30 services by serving the chalice of consecrated wine during communion. Please contact the Associate Rector if you are interested in assisting.
Healing/Prayer Station — lay persons who assist in worship at our 8:00, 10:45 and 5:30 services by administering the laying on of hands (anointing) and private prayers with individuals. This is a sacred and unique ministry to which many are called. If you have, or even if you think you may have, the gift of prayer and would like to explore this ministry please contact the Associate Rector.
Ushers — lay persons (men and women) who assist with both welcoming people to services and assisting in helping people find seats, bathrooms, and other important and vital logistical matters at worship services. Jeff Imes leads our usher team.
Welcomers — lay persons who welcome people to worship at Trinity. Trinity is a 100-year-old building that has been added to a number of times. Welcomers not only help people feel welcomed, but also show them where to go and how to access any information about Trinity that they wish to have. The team is led by our Congregational Development Team.
Worship Team for Celtic Eucharist (5:30p) — a group of lay persons make up the Celtic Eucharist team. The team sets up for the 5:30 service and assist as readers, chalice bearers, lectors and prayer station leaders. If you enjoy a more reflective worship experience and would like to be part of making it happen you are welcome to join the team. The team is organized by Catherine Metzger.
Wedding Committee — lay members serve as wedding coordinators for weddings at Trinity. The team assists the clergy in being sure that weddings happen in good order. Gay Coleman leads the team.
Education/Formation and Small Groups
PARENTS IN CONVERSATION- is an ever-evolving group of parents (young, old, married, divorced, single) with ever-growing children (newborns, toddlers, elementary school, middle school, high school, and beyond). Through open-ended dialogue and honest, intentional conversations, we can all learn from each other about the Christian faith and journey in the midst of daily life and parenting. Like life as parents, the schedule might change. Like the soccer carpool, anyone is welcome to join us and we’ll always make room. A full schedule may be found on Trinity’s website.​
SUNDAY ADULT FORUMS- each Sunday there is one, sometimes two or three opportunities for exploring Christian faith. The opportunities include a wide array of offerings that focus at times on studying the scriptures, theology, current events and more. Trinity’s website includes the full schedule.​
SUNDAY FORMATION FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH- each Sunday there is a intentional opportunity for Christian formation with our children and youth. Trinity’s staff includes full-time persons dedicated to ministry and education with youth and children. The programs are dynamic and engaging.
DAUGHTERS OF THE KING- is an order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, churches in communion with it, or churches in the historic episcopate but not in communion with it. Reaffirming the promises made at Baptism and Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a lifelong program of prayer, service and evangelism. She receives support in this commitment from a worldwide community of like-minded women. The Daughters have a specific ministry of prayer and service. Trinity’s chapter of DOTK is growing, but that we always welcome new members.
EDUCATION FOR MINISTRY (EFM)— is a program of study and theological reflection produced by the School of Theology of the University of the South. This is a sustained and in-depth program that is equal in measure to any introductory process one finds in a seminary or divinity school. Participants are immersed in biblical studies, church history, theology and a unique process of theological reflection. Trinity’s group meets on Monday evenings.
Contact Sandy Grant by email
NURSERY — Trinity’s nursery is open and staffed each Sunday from 9 a.m. until after our 10:45 a.m. service. The nursery serves ages 0-3 (not potty trained). The room has two different areas, one primarily for infants/crawlers and the other for toddlers. The nursery is served by a highly qualified staff of three. All are are trained through the Red Cross and through the Episcopal Church’s training to keep all children safe. Background checks are conducted for all nursery staff.
FOUR FOR FAMILIES —is an opportunity for families with children from infants through elementary age to come together to socialize and build a community of friends at Trinity. Activities include swim parties, baseball game outings, movie nights, and more. Nursery care is provided for infants through 3 years old.
CLUB 345 — is a junior Youth Group for 3, 4 and 5th graders that meets once a month after church for fun, fellowship and outreach to the wider community. A full schedule of events is found on Trinity’s website.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL — Children from five other area churches join Trinity and First Presbyterian Church to create a fantastic 4-day summer experience for children ages three through rising 6th graders. The atmosphere of a Judean marketplace from Jesus’ time is created through crafts, games, stories, music and drama. Volunteers of all ages are welcome. The week takes place at both Trinity and First Presbyterian church.
JR. EYC — is youth group for our 6, 7 and 8th graders. The group is focused on building fellowship among Trinity’s pre-teens and teens and includes fun, and outreach activities on a monthly basis. The usually meets after the 10:45 service on Sundays and the schedule can be found in Trinity’s publications and on the website.
EYC— is youth group for 9-12 graders. The group is focused on building fellowship among Trinity’s pre-teens and teens and includes fun, and outreach activities on a monthly basis. The usually meets after the 10:45 service on Sundays and the schedule can be found in Trinity’s publications and on the website.
BOOK CLUB- meeting every other month, this group comes together to discuss a mutually agreed upon book.
Women’s Bible Study — each Tuesday morning at 9:30 women gather in Trinity’s Conference room for community, prayer and bible study. The upcoming Sunday readings are discussed, time is set aside for the sharing of prayer concerns and prayers and a strong community is formed. Our clergy lead this group All women are welcome are welcome to attend. No registration is needed. For questions please contact the Rector.
Men’s Bible Study — each Friday morning at 7:30 a group of men gather in the Clark Room of Trinity for fellowship and bible study. The upcoming Sunday readings are discussed and members support each other in prayer. Everyone is welcome to attend and no pre-registration is needed. The group is led by Bill Myrick.