A Message from the Deacon
The Rev. Dcn. Bob Zito
This is my third year at Trinity. I have been praying to discern where God calls me in ministry here. In prior parishes, my ministry has concerned education, pastoral care, and church growth, mainly with newcomers and seekers within the church.
I am currently teaching systematic and moral theology and Christian ethics at the Iona Collaborative at the Seminary of the Southwest.
I’ve been acting as Clergy Liaison for the Congregation Development Ministry Team and have suggested a new program as a shepher’s ministry which will assign a parishioner to each newcomer to assist in their transition transitioning to Trinity.
I’m also working with the Rector to recharter a Trinity Chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew.
I have been working with Sally Cochran and the Art Guild on fundraising events for Lake Logan.
My primary ministry is serving at the Eucharist on Sundays and making pastoral calls.
Go forth in peace to love and serve the Lord in all persons.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Zito