It is in the midst of suffering that we need one another. We remain connected through our care for one another, face-to-face, in a phone call, email, or text. We also remain connected in worship
as we praise the living God, even in the midst of destruction.
If you are in Asheville, we will have the Eucharist this Sunday at 8:00 and 10:45. We will not have any other activities. We have power but no water, so please use. the loo before you come. We will modify our services. No one who is scheduled to serve as a Minister of the Service is required to be present, not acolytes, Altar Guild, Ushers, Flower Delivery etc., etc.
If you’re not in Asheville, we are attempting to Livestream, and you can join us that way! The link is included in this email.
We will not have the 5:30 service.