Please Join us for two upcoming choral events. Both are free and open to the public. We hope you will be able to join us!
Church Street Choral Festival
Friday, October 27, 2023, 7:00p
Central Methodist Church
The choirs of Trinity, Central Methodist, and First Presbyterian will sing both separately and together in this celebration of our neighboring churches. These three choirs make up a mighty musical force! Music directors and accompanists include Sharon Boone, James Taulbee, Jessica Schaeffer, Linda Haggard, Corey Powell, and Jeremy Roberts. The Church Street Collaborative seeks to explore opportunities to work together for the better good of our neighborhood as well as the greater Asheville community.

Singers from the Christ School Chapel
Sunday, October 29, 2023, 5:30p Celtic Service
Trinity Episcopal Chuch
Singers from the Christ School Chapel will sing under the direction of Dr. Jim Cassarino at Trinity’s 5:30 Celtic service on October 29. Two of these students are graduates from St. Thomas Choir School in NYC, and there will also be a talented violinist representing Christ School. They will help prepare and serve lunch at the Church of the Advocate, participate in that service, and help with any needs within the church. This will be a great day of service for them in collaboration with Christ School, Church of the Advocate, and Trinity’s Celtic service. Come enjoy this special opportunity!

Do you have something wonderful to share? An interesting story? Celebrating a momentous occasion? Please reach out to Nanette by email: to be featured in your own edition of Stories that Matter.