Trinitarian, Paul Faeth has just been appointed to serve on the board of Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD). Episcopal Relief & Development is the compassionate response of The Episcopal Church to human suffering in the world. Hearing God’s call to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human being, Episcopal Relief & Development serves to bring together the generosity of Episcopalians and others with the needs of the world.
Episcopal Relief & Development faithfully administers the funds that it receives from the church and raises from other sources. It provides relief in times of disaster and promotes sustainable development by identifying and addressing the root causes of suffering.
Episcopal Relief & Development cherishes its partnerships within the Anglican Communion, with ecumenical bodies and with others who share a common vision for justice and peace among all people.
In addition, Paul was recently hired by Abt Associates as its new Climate and Energy Global Technical Director. Faeth is a distinguished environmental economist with 35 years of experience in climate, energy, and water. One of the earliest to focus on the economics of climate change, he led the design of the world’s first carbon offset program in 1989.
Prior to joining Abt, Faeth was the program manager for two major Cadmus Group contracts, one on climate change adaptation with USAID and one on water with EPA. He previously held the role of Director, Energy, Water and Climate at CNA’s Institute for Public Research, where he managed a research program exploring the policy synergies between these themes.
Faeth worked for 18 years at the World Resources Institute (WRI), the world’s top-rated environmental think tank, where he led the Economics Program and ultimately served as executive vice president. His policy research at WRI included topics such as climate change, water, agriculture, and trade and, while there, he put together the world’s first carbon offset project between a coal-fired power plant in Connecticut and an agroforestry program in Guatemala.
“Paul’s ingenuity and ability to see the big picture will enable both Abt and our clients to make real progress in the efforts to combat climate change and promote clean energy,” said Abt Senior Vice President, International Development, Eric J. Reading.