Time & Location
Mar 11, 2021, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
About the Event
One of the pillars of our Mission Statement at Trinity is Explore Faith, "Explore Faith, Embrace Community, Expect a Difference, and Make a Difference." We continue to embrace this mission even during difficult times. On Thursday the 19th of Nov. we begin a new session of the online Rector's Bible study to explore Paul the Apostle and how his theology shows up in his renowned Letter to the Romans. I don't need a reply but if you would like to be on the notification/information list about this class click here: https://forms.gle/2UdQHTwi5bo5z8BU6.
Also, feel free to forward this to someone you may think is interested.In our reading of Romans, we will explore questions like Paul's role in the foundations of Christian theology, which books in the New Testament he wrote, his position on women in the church, homosexuality, the place of Judaism for Jesus's followers, and much more. The class is every Thursday in a relaxed setting and strictly for one hour. Meet new people, spend time with Trinity friends, exchange prayer, and dig into the bible, all from the comfort of your home. Homework is optional.
Again, here is the link to be added to the notification/information list: https://forms.gle/2UdQHTwi5bo5z8BU6
Zoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/93063201808?pwd=U0tTODk0TFI5Y0VBeldSbHN5MytGdz09