Nominations for Vestry Class of 2027

Nominations for Vestry Class of 2027
Each year Trinity’s Nominating Committee, which consists of the Senior Class of the Vestry, meets to consider names, holds conversations with potential nominees and prepares a slate of candidates to be approved at the Annual Parish Meeting in November. This year, Ralph Simpson, Jennifer Pearson, Matt Sharpe, Connie Wilson and I will serve on the Nominating Committee.
To serve on the Vestry, the nominee must be:
a confirmed member of the Episcopal Church
age 18 years of age or older
a member of the parish for twelve months
an active, pledging member of the parish for at least twelve months before the election
available for the Vestry Retreat on January 10 & 11, 2025.
I cannot stress enough the importance of the parish’s role in providing names of members who are open to serving on the Vestry for the Nominating Committee to consider. One might think, “I would like to do that, but I am too _____ (fill in the blank)”, and that makes sense with out busy lives. However, personally I discovered that not only do I have time to serve but that serving on the Vestry is one of my life's most fulfilling opportunities. I encourage you to think of individuals to submit or consider submitting your name.
This is an open and welcoming process. Ultimately, the nominating committee will recommend a slate of five candidates to the parish at our Annual Meeting on November 17.
The Nominations Committee will begin accepting names from September 1st through September 30th. To submit a name for consideration scroll down to the form.
If you have any questions, you may contact any member of the Nominating Committee or myself (ndexter820@charter.net).
Yours Faithfully,
Nancy Dexter
Senior Warden

One of the most fulfilling aspects of being Trintiy's Rector is that I get to work with such a committed, talented, and faithful group of people on our Vestry. The Vestry is the church's lay leadership group, and along with the Rector, it oversees the temporal and spiritual needs of the parish. The Vestry is a true "small group." We get to know each other in prayer, study, discernment, visioning for the future, and caring for each other. Thank you for taking the time to nominate members of Trinity who exhibit the gifts of discernment and love of Trinity and her mission to be a place where all may Explore Faith, Embrace Community, Expect a Difference, and make one!