David: The Faces of Love, written by Fred Northup, tells of the searing, glorious, tragic and always moving love that the Biblical great, King David, shares in friendship, passion, and family relationships. Twenty percent of all receipts will go to either Homeward Bound or BeLoved Asheville, two groups working to eliminate homelessness.
Northup is an Asheville native and the former Dean of St. Mark’s Cathedral in Seattle. His musical partner Drew Banzhoff is a prodigy currently enrolled at the North Carolina School of the Arts. More than 25 local performing artists, including choristers, musicians, and actors, will be featured in this world-premier event, under the direction of Mike Yow.
The show takes place on Tuesday, Sept. 28, 7 p.m., at The Wortham Center for the Performing Arts. $20-$28. Find tickets and information here. The event will also be available as a livestream. $10.
Contact: Fred Northup
fnorthup@aol.com / 404-307-9739